why bartending?

Earn more money. Work flexible hours part time or full time. And have fun. You can do it as a bartender, and you only have to be 18 years old to bartend in Texas.

Texas School of Bartenders has been providing bartender training for 3 decades throughout Texas, with schools in Houston, Austin and Dallas. We teach you how to be the best bartender so you can make more money, work when you want to work, and have fun. We also provide job placement assistance to graduates.

You only need to be 18 to bartend
Need to be 18 to
bartend in Texas
Tons of Fun Icon
Bartending is
tons of fun
Make Great Money
Make great
money nightly
Flexable Work Schedule
Flexible work
Full or Part Time
Work part-time
or full-time
Growing Industry
Work in
a growing industry
Meet Great People
Meet awesome
new people
Get Started Today
Get started for
just $100 down
Tons of Fun Icon
Job placement

get started for only
$100 down